My life...

My name is Kim Kolowicz and I am wife to Mike for 21 yrs (I married young), mother to 2 teen girls, Melissa-15/Allison-14 and a 9 yr. old son-Matthew. I am also mom to 2 kitties-Pancho & Lefty and 3 puppies-Trixie, Lacey, and Freyja. We have a full house for sure!

Outside the home, I am a registered Interior Designer and work fulltime for a commerical furniture Dealership in San Antonio.

I have always been a saver and my mom taught me to always shop the sale racks first. I used coupons in the past, but never really got a lot of mileage out them. About 2 years ago, when the economy was tanking, I was truly concerned for my family's future and felt we needed to tighten our belts a bit more. OK, I'll go back to clipping coupons again. I stumbled across and was AMAZED you can print coupons online. Little did I know that was the tip of the iceberg of what I uncovered.... A co-worker in another dept. organized our office coffee club. She sent out an email about getting us a deal on our coffee and if we had extra coupons from our papers we could give her to "stock-up". Thinking I was "in the know", I told her to check out She thanked me for the tip and said she new all about it and said she belonged to a coupon What the heck is that about??? I checked it out and felt like I entered an entirely new world. April 2009, my coupon addiction was born...