Tuesday, April 26, 2011

To Clear or not to Clear a shelf?

Since I have been couponing for the last couple of years, the subject of shelf clearing  has sparked more than a few heated threads in various coupon forums I frequent.  Couponers in different regions or even sides of town have varying opinions as to whether this is an acceptable practice or downright inconsiderate. But I will say first hand, there is nothing more frustrating that going into a store on the first day of a sale and the "Hot Item" is nowhere to be found--just an empty shelf.

Now, I have never felt the need to clear a shelf.  Even if the the item is Free or better than Free, I will take just a few and plan to make several trips over the week to get more.  I feel this gives other shoppers, couponers or not, to also get in on the deal.  I believe this is fair to all and good karma for me.  If it is an item I don't think my family will use, I will still plan to pick it up for my donation pile. I don't like a good coupon to go to waste.

Here is the argument on the other side and how I've heard the justification of shelf clearing.  Now, to clarify actual shelf-clearing, it's not taking the last 1 maybe 2 items available.  You got lucky and got the last one.  What I'm talking about is cleaning out a fully stocked shelf with your shopping trip.

I was just "told" a couple days ago on a forum, that "The early bird gets the worm".  Well, I am an early bird.  I went to Walgreen's Saturday evening, knowing that Sunday's ad was activated.  I planned to pick up 2 (YES, only 2) boxes of Splenda although I did have 6-8 coupons.  The shelf was totally empty and it was full just the night before when I checked....Hmmmm.  No worm for me.

Another reason I've heard was "I am getting X to donate to where-ever".  Well, that is an admirable thing to donate to various groups and our local food pantries and I'm not knocking that.  BUT, there are quite a few of us out here that need the coupon deals in the store because we don't qualify for any of those services or charities. I would be nice to leave some on the shelves for that reason.

Finally, this reason tops them all and is flat out lame, in my opinion.  "No one else shares the same common courtesy so why should I?" Well,  it is the right thing to do!  Just because others do it, doesn't make it right for you to do it. 
If you need/want a significant amount of product on sale there are some steps you can take to be a courteous shopper and not clear a shelf. 
  1. You can pre-order with your store.  Just talk to your manager.
  2. You can shop multiple stores in your area (if you have them, of course)
  3. You can price match at other stores that carry the same items.
  4. You can get Rainchecks to guarantee you will a few more.
So, what will your thoughts be the next you go to grab that hot deal?  All or nothing?  Every shopper for themselves?

BTW, I did find the Splenda fully stocked at a store by my son's school.  I have been buying 2 a day until my coupons were gone and have gotten all I wanted......Karma

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